Professional Development Lunch Series

Current Professional Development Lunch Series (2019)

The MIT School of Science has funded a Professional Development geared “Women in” lunch series for the 2019-2020 academic year. WIC+ plans to partner with different “Women in” groups and diversity groups on campus for focused lunches featuring several alumnae.

If you are interested in partnering for a lunch series, either as a “Women in”/diversity group or as an alumna, please email

Past Lunch Series: Faculty Lunch Series

Each lunch in this series features one professor and is an open forum for students to get to know the professors better, hear about their journeys, and discuss other topics of interest to the group. These lunches serve as a chance to interact with the women faculty in an informal setting and help to strengthen our community of women chemists. In 2015, WIC+ expanded this program to include lunches with the department head and associate department heads to allow our members opportunities to interact and get to know the department leadership.

“Go for the thing you’re interested and passionate about. Just go for it.”

– Professor Cathy Drennan