WIC+ Travel Grant Summary – Alexandra Brown, 2022 ACS Fall National Meeting

I am grateful that the WIC+ Professional Development grant was able to support my travel to the Fall 2022 American Chemical Society National Meeting in Chicago, Illinois. I gave an oral presentation on my research in the Inorganic Young Investigator’s symposium, which was an excellent opportunity to present my graduate work to both students and professors from across the country. In addition, I was able to attend a wide range of oral and poster presentations from other researchers and had a number of insightful conversations with other conference attendees. This was my first time attending an ACS conference as a graduate student and the experience gave me a chance to see a broad range of chemistry research at a single conference and provided me with practice speaking to an audience with diverse research interests. I am thankful to WIC+ for providing students and postdocs with funding to enable these travel opportunities.