WIC+ organizes lunch events with alumnae of the Department of Chemistry. We aim to feature alumnae who chose a variety of careers after studying chemistry at MIT. These events are a great opportunity to learn about non-academic careers, and also help you make contacts outside the department.
Past invitees have included the following:
- Erika Ebbel Angle (Founder, Science from Scientists non-profit organization)
- Dana Buske (Environmental Consultant with Tech Environmental)
- Jennifer Fortune (Management consulting for healthcare companies, Boston Consulting Group)
- Judy Fox (Vice President of Product and Preclinical Development, Sunesis Pharmaceuticals)
- Kathy Lee (Medicinal Chemist, Pfizer)
- Paula J. Olsiewski (Program Director, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation)
- Judith Selwyn (President, Preservation Technology Associates, Inc.)
- Shana Sturla (Associate Professor at ETH in Zurich)