Get to Know WIC: Victoria Marando

Victoria is a second year graduate student in the Kiessling group and an active member of WIC. She is from a small town near Toronto and she did her undergraduate work at McMaster University, taking time to complete internships at a biotech company in Montreal and a research group in Stockholm in the course of earning her degree.

Why did you pick MIT?
I chose MIT because of the community of graduate students. It felt like a supportive environment to learn and develop as a scientist.

What are your favorite things about the Cambridge/Boston area?
Biking along the Charles River.

What’s something that surprised you about life here?
The wildly active intramural hockey league at MIT!

Real Talk: What’s been your biggest challenge since coming to MIT?
My biggest challenge has been balancing work and life! It is very easy to get consumed by all of the exciting opportunities related to our work but it is important to take time for things to enjoy outside of lab!

What was your favorite part of your first year at MIT?
My favourite part of first year was sailing on the Charles at lunch in the summer.

What is your favorite thing about your cohort?
I loved that everyone was eager to hang out outside of lab, coming up with creative ways to have fun!

Why did you join WIC?
To meet more women in the department.

What’s your favorite WIC program or event?
The MIT-Merck Women in Chemistry Symposium.*

What’s your go-to for self-care in quarantine?
Spending too much time knitting.

*Victoria organized this joint symposium with Merck last year and was also organizing it again this year. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic has prevented it from being held this year as-scheduled.


Our series “Get to Know WIC” was inspired by MIT CADI, who did a similar series for their members. Thanks for the idea!